Monday, September 29, 2008

If You Are Thinking Big Screen TV But Have a Small Budget - Consider Rent To Own

Have you been looking at all the glorious Flat Screen TVs in your local shopping center , and wondering if you could afford to get one? What would you have to do without, me I would be doing without the silly things like laundry soap and toilet paper.

If you want a Flat Screen HiDef TV but can not afford to purchase it outright, and do not want to make a line of credit either, why not check out the rent to own option? Maybe you are wondering, what what is rent to own really like? Well, its super easy and a much better option than getting one of your already extended credit cards in even worse shape.

With Rent To Own, you can go into your local Rent To Own Center and choose exactly what it is you want and you can take either weekly, bi weekly or monthly payments. The rent to own contract means there are no down payments, no line of credit extended to you. You can stop the contract any time you wish for any reasons, and if you find you want to pick it back up later you can do so at the same payment schedule, so you do not lose the payments you have made so far.

I think in this economic state we are in, with banks folding left and right and credit lines becoming lore that Rent to Own is the perfect situation.

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