This weeks latest Manga Chapters are translated, Naruto Manga chapter 426 Entitled: "Naruto and Konoha" and Bleach Entitled: "El Verdugo".
Naruto's Manga chapter of this week can be read or downloaded at each of the following-Download it at NarutoFan ,and read it at Onemanga ,simple enough and it won't take long til your feeling the steam rise from fresh Manga and hit your face ,hmmm now I sound like an author....Awkward.

And as For Bleach- or as the Japanese call it Burīchi ,There is also a new fresh pile of Manga ,(What'd you think i was gonna say?), and you can or may aslo download this at NarutoFans Bleach Alternate ,BleachWorld OR BLEACH7 , Theres also Onemanga if you don't want to wait another minute to read it.